Friday, October 22, 2010

Does Irs Audit Come Certified


learn from the local media that the City Council on Vezzano crusty, on 18.10.2010, has resolved unanimously to withdraw from the agreement for the transfer of functions of local police to the Union for the establishment of a single body.

The reasons expressed by the Mayor of Vezzano, Mr. Bigi, are those that our group council, which also expresses two components on the board of the Union, has long supported. The presence

more episodic and less effective, the reduction of the bond between police officers and the land are just some of the causes that led to this failure.

add the cost burden on the budgets of the three municipalities of the new headquarters of Puianello Unique to the two remaining municipalities will be able to keep the costs of such a structure? As the agents will be divided now? Where are the big savings promised by the administration in at the Union?

addition to the new site have been addressed other major investment projects: a high quality car and a van equipped, but then why continue to complain about the lack of money for the rostering of staff?

L’accusa continua al Governo, di non destinare fondi sufficienti alla sicurezza, in questo caso viene rispedita al mittente, siamo di fronte ad un caso lampante di come gli amministratori non utilizzino al meglio le risorse destinate.

La situazione ad Albinea è in continuo peggioramento: i turni pomeridiani e notturni sono stati sospesi, i cittadini non hanno più un ufficio sul territorio comunale al quale rivolgersi, i controlli negli orari di entrata/uscita degli scolari dalla scuola elementare, sono ripresi solamente in seguito ad una nostra interpellanza in cui venivano evidenziate le gravi infrazioni commesse, transito in zona vietata, divieti di sosta non rispettati, con grave pericolo per l’incolumità dei children.

In each place the major responsibility for what happened, the President of the Union Hills Dr Matilde Incerti and the commander of the Municipal Police Fontana, we have assured the smooth functioning of the body only, with haughtiness and laughter have always rejected any our charge. But in the end the Captain was and has remained one of Quattro Castella, the seat remained in the town of Quattro Castella, considered less important than the other municipalities and their mayors unanimously agree. As long as that of the crusty Vezzano has seen fit to protect its citizens, while the Mayor of Albinea preferred to favor the political faith and citizenship that has elected.

Faced with a fait accompli is useless to deny, with a good bath humility to admit that the project has been in bankruptcy and I apologize for the unnecessary assurances provided to our group council, but also apologize to the citizens and find the courage to declare that which until now has been the experience of Union Hills Matildiche: Union opportunistic made absolutely no foresight and planning, with the sole purpose of receiving a regional fund for policyholders who would have been a 'union.

Once again, the lack of planning lies solely on the citizens, who are faced with a terrible service, and remain at the mercy of chi continua ad amministrarci male.

Il nostro gruppo consiliare, come sempre, è pronto a partecipare a qualsiasi tavolo pur di risolvere i problemi e migliorare i servizi.

Does Irs Audit Come Certified


learn from the local media that the City Council on Vezzano crusty, on 18.10.2010, has resolved unanimously to withdraw from the agreement for the transfer of functions of local police to the Union for the establishment of a single body.

The reasons expressed by the Mayor of Vezzano, Mr. Bigi, are those that our group council, which also expresses two components on the board of the Union, has long supported. The presence

more episodic and less effective, the reduction of the bond between police officers and the land are just some of the causes that led to this failure.

add the cost burden on the budgets of the three municipalities of the new headquarters of Puianello Unique to the two remaining municipalities will be able to keep the costs of such a structure? As the agents will be divided now? Where are the big savings promised by the administration in at the Union?

addition to the new site have been addressed other major investment projects: a high quality car and a van equipped, but then why continue to complain about the lack of money for the rostering of staff?

L’accusa continua al Governo, di non destinare fondi sufficienti alla sicurezza, in questo caso viene rispedita al mittente, siamo di fronte ad un caso lampante di come gli amministratori non utilizzino al meglio le risorse destinate.

La situazione ad Albinea è in continuo peggioramento: i turni pomeridiani e notturni sono stati sospesi, i cittadini non hanno più un ufficio sul territorio comunale al quale rivolgersi, i controlli negli orari di entrata/uscita degli scolari dalla scuola elementare, sono ripresi solamente in seguito ad una nostra interpellanza in cui venivano evidenziate le gravi infrazioni commesse, transito in zona vietata, divieti di sosta non rispettati, con grave pericolo per l’incolumità dei children.

In each place the major responsibility for what happened, the President of the Union Hills Dr Matilde Incerti and the commander of the Municipal Police Fontana, we have assured the smooth functioning of the body only, with haughtiness and laughter have always rejected any our charge. But in the end the Captain was and has remained one of Quattro Castella, the seat remained in the town of Quattro Castella, considered less important than the other municipalities and their mayors unanimously agree. As long as that of the crusty Vezzano has seen fit to protect its citizens, while the Mayor of Albinea preferred to favor the political faith and citizenship that has elected.

Faced with a fait accompli is useless to deny, with a good bath humility to admit that the project has been in bankruptcy and I apologize for the unnecessary assurances provided to our group council, but also apologize to the citizens and find the courage to declare that which until now has been the experience of Union Hills Matildiche: Union opportunistic made absolutely no foresight and planning, with the sole purpose of receiving a regional fund for policyholders who would have been a 'union.

Once again, the lack of planning lies solely on the citizens, who are faced with a terrible service, and remain at the mercy of chi continua ad amministrarci male.

Il nostro gruppo consiliare, come sempre, è pronto a partecipare a qualsiasi tavolo pur di risolvere i problemi e migliorare i servizi.

Hack Pokemon Soulsilver

LINE 1 +: a glimmer of light ON "FORGOTTEN" Borz

Lunedì sera 18.10.2010 si è tenuta a Borzano la riunione di presentazione della nuova linea di trasporto urbano 1+, da Borzano a Puianello.

Riteniamo che i “reali” beneficiari di tale linea siano gli abitanti di Borzano, fino ad oggi trascurati dall’Amministrazione Comunale, che potranno finalmente, grazie ad un servizio di coincidenze con le altre linee urbane nr. 1 da Albinea e 5+ da Puianello, raggiungere Reggio Emilia con maggiore frequenza.

Basti ricordare che oggi Albinea è collegata a Reggio Emilia con un servizio urbano con corse ogni mezz’ora e Borzano è dotata solamente di linea extraurbana che effettua una sola corsa al giorno in periodo scolastico. Uno studente che al mattino è occupato da sole 4/5 ore deve comunque aspettare il bus delle 14.05 per rientrare a Borzano addirittura alle 14:45.

Viene colmata una grande lacuna che lasciava scontenti gli abitanti di Borzano, dopo anni di solleciti e lamentele, ma a nostro parere si poteva comunque fare di più.

L’approccio sperimentale e la modalità di attuazione rischiano di vanificare l’iniziativa, nonché appesantire l’impatto economico.

Il servizio infatti, adottato in via experiment until the end of the school year, is joined to the current line outside the town, then the risk is that users are "scattered" among urban and suburban lines, not bringing economic benefits to both.

Being an experimental period, the administration would have to face this challenge with greater conviction on a regular basis in fact, would have been sufficient to pass the line 1 + even in the current suburban metro line (Walnut Meadows Homes) and block travel outside the city at this point useless.

In this way all users would be served more frequently and with better transportation time and ease in reaching Albinea and Reggio Emilia in particular, users have all used the line 1 + and evaluation in a few months would certainly have been more serene.

has postponed an important decision, we hope that the Municipal Board and ACT take into account these aspects in the assessment next year, when you have to decide whether and how to maintain new trunk line, is absolutely necessary in order not to leave again isolated The fraction of Borzano from the rest of the territory.

Hack Pokemon Soulsilver

LINE 1 +: a glimmer of light ON "FORGOTTEN" Borz

Lunedì sera 18.10.2010 si è tenuta a Borzano la riunione di presentazione della nuova linea di trasporto urbano 1+, da Borzano a Puianello.

Riteniamo che i “reali” beneficiari di tale linea siano gli abitanti di Borzano, fino ad oggi trascurati dall’Amministrazione Comunale, che potranno finalmente, grazie ad un servizio di coincidenze con le altre linee urbane nr. 1 da Albinea e 5+ da Puianello, raggiungere Reggio Emilia con maggiore frequenza.

Basti ricordare che oggi Albinea è collegata a Reggio Emilia con un servizio urbano con corse ogni mezz’ora e Borzano è dotata solamente di linea extraurbana che effettua una sola corsa al giorno in periodo scolastico. Uno studente che al mattino è occupato da sole 4/5 ore deve comunque aspettare il bus delle 14.05 per rientrare a Borzano addirittura alle 14:45.

Viene colmata una grande lacuna che lasciava scontenti gli abitanti di Borzano, dopo anni di solleciti e lamentele, ma a nostro parere si poteva comunque fare di più.

L’approccio sperimentale e la modalità di attuazione rischiano di vanificare l’iniziativa, nonché appesantire l’impatto economico.

Il servizio infatti, adottato in via experiment until the end of the school year, is joined to the current line outside the town, then the risk is that users are "scattered" among urban and suburban lines, not bringing economic benefits to both.

Being an experimental period, the administration would have to face this challenge with greater conviction on a regular basis in fact, would have been sufficient to pass the line 1 + even in the current suburban metro line (Walnut Meadows Homes) and block travel outside the city at this point useless.

In this way all users would be served more frequently and with better transportation time and ease in reaching Albinea and Reggio Emilia in particular, users have all used the line 1 + and evaluation in a few months would certainly have been more serene.

has postponed an important decision, we hope that the Municipal Board and ACT take into account these aspects in the assessment next year, when you have to decide whether and how to maintain new trunk line, is absolutely necessary in order not to leave again isolated The fraction of Borzano from the rest of the territory.