Saturday, June 20, 2009

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Simone Angioni Conference in Turin, Friday, June 19, 2009

Finally comes the opportunity to attend a conference in Turin on Chemtrails .. but is not a conference of those we are used to, especially in recent months ... is a different conference, organized by the Piedmont CICAP , like others that will be held Friday for many to follow.

conference "pilot" as the theme of the issue may lend itself better tracks in the sky: the chemtrails.

Location of the conference, the Mausoleum of Bela Rosin

The turnout is not the best, not even counting some forty persons, and without sitting in front of Mausoleum. Only source of light a projector pointed at the columns of the same behind a table and a makeshift sound system.

few familiar faces in the audience, it only recognizes the infamous VIBRAVAR a famous and disinformation, the objective of the investigation committee, which sit side by side.
Rapporteur of the event, coordinator of the group Cicap Lombardy, a graduate student at the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Pavia, Simone Angioni .

The conference begins with the aid of a video taken from the tip of a broadcast aired on national television, and face in a brief and extremely evasive various issues related to phenomenon of chemtrails.

Much time is devoted to the description of persons who first noticed more than a decade ago contrails in the sky, in fact, for many minutes is plotted the profile of them, e.. incidentally, the path taken is the "completely crazy and visionary people is because .."

The data shown are compelling to think that these individuals were not worthy of special credit, but something like chemtrails is visible and understandable to the crazy as mentally healthy until proven otherwise.

is declared that the strangely shaped clouds formed by chemtrails that are shaped to form the clouds Mammatus, lenticular clouds, and any other strange atmospheric phenomenon (a topic that I took the liberty of correcting the part devoted to audience questions, which will attach after a movie).

One thing that surprised me very much, is the absolute correctness of the rapporteur, in fact, before allegations of murder and poisoning of the population made by any independent researcher, Angioni Marciano merely cites only a statement showing dates back to 2008 and showing the plan drawn up by him a short time ago (but that, who would not have done) without adding any description or comment on the individual.

is the controversial plan, drafted by Rosario Marciano site Tanker Enemy . Pluriaccusati addition to already in the past: cia, nasa, government, NATO, the Ministry of Defence, the police, ENEA, CNR, the uninformed ... so this time looks like an active part in the plot also google, the industrial, research centers, phone companies, the academics, consultants of Justice, the judiciary, the researchers ... to get to the Vatican and the Sovereign Order of Malta (SMOM)

The speech continues, explains the contrails and their training, shows the process of climate control (with photos of the planes that allowed the absence of rain in the Olympics and other events) and a series of photographs of aircraft with wake.
The conference really hard very little, in fact many were astonished when it is declared finished, and asks those who have questions for the speaker.

Here's my contribution (with the addition of subtitles, in a partial remedy for the poor audio quality and the total lack of light)

During the space devoted to questions the public, I am speaking, spoke VIBRAVAR and involved a couple of curious, and among them a self-proclaimed psychologist that he even advised to treat psychologically ALL who believe in chemtrails, because I'm not really happy with their lives and are crazy to tie (someone is ma fare di tutta l'erba un fascio mi ha fatto un pò surriscaldare sul momento, specialmente a causa del tono da essere superiore di questa persona)

Le ultime domande si allontanano praticamente dall'argomento scie chimiche, e si arriva a parlare di propulsione dentro e fuori l'atmosfera, di modificazione climatica locale e altro.

Alla fine anche del tempo concesso al pubblico, mi avvicino al tavolo del relatore dove ho la fortuna di poter visionare il testo "Clouds of the world" edito nel 1972, dichiarato da Tanker Enemy un falso, modificato a tappeto dai disinformatori e dal cicap in tutte le copie esistenti apposta per plasmare la storia a loro piacimento, qui e qui .

PS The copy shown by its official CICAP in a conference does not show conspicuous signs of the tarot listed by the researcher in San Remo.
PPS Commander uses this picture for a list of occultists, is more beautiful!

At the close of the mausoleum, I stop again a few minutes to chat with the misinformation that is terrible sleepless nights to the independent researcher.
Rosario, you know who is right?

Unfortunately VIBRAVAR sia schizzato via come una saetta a conferenza terminata, gli avremmo dato una mano nelle sue indagini per scoprire i dati sensibili dei disinformatori foraggiati dallo Stato per negare il fenomeno chemtrails.


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