Thursday, October 22, 2009

Aetna Premium Payment


Succede sempre tutto sopra i cieli di Sanremo, ormai da qualche anno.

Incredibilmente proprio la città di residenza del nostro ricercatore preferito e del suo accapponante fratello è costantemente teatro di eventi inspiegabili e giornaliere occasioni per fare clamore...e tutto ciò coincide con l'immobilità dell'osservatore, che vanta solo testimonianze e riporti dal terrazzino.
Immaginate se uscisse di casa !!!!

Quale atteggiamento?
Siamo capaci tutti a far finta di mandare una lettera ed accusare il destinatario di malafede....

Basically, before the advent of military towns suffered drastic economic losses and literally emptied because of the rain that fell a few days in the summer.

Straker .. but if the system is safe, that does not make it rain ... of such experiments are you talking about? If testing, as happens to those who experiment, we got a wrong result, that is was raining ... would deprive the city. Surely tourists run away, as has happened every year in all tourist places of the world .. and, therefore, the agreement would jump?
Sanremo would be released?

just finished a perfect day to wallow in the waters Sanremo .. han liberated the camp and have left the perturbations evolve ...
And all the comments in which he denounced the climatic changes of that period??
already ah .. trials.


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