Friday, July 16, 2010

Announcement Letter For New Employee


Union Hills Matilde at the terminus?

Judging from the order for amendment of Article. 5, 4th co. of the Statute of the same Union of Municipalities, which was approved despite the negative vote of the PDL Group and 5th in the session to advise Hill of 29.06.10, it seems anything but a remote possibility.

With the approval of the amendment to the statutes cited above, was extended l'originario termine ordinatorio del 30 giugno, entro il quale i Comuni aderenti all'Unione potevano esercitare il recesso dall'Ente, al termine del 31 ottobre. La proposta di modifica, poi approvata, è stata ovviamente giustificata dal Presidente dell'Unione di turno, Antonella Incerti, Sindaco del Comune di Albinea, come un intervento prudenziale, finalizzato a costituire la possibilità per i tre comuni facenti parte dell'unione (Albinea, Quattro Castella e Vezzano sul Crostolo), di uscire dall'Ente, qualora in sede di conversione del decreto n° 78 del 31.05.10 la cd. Finanziaria, dovessero essere confermati i tagli alle Regioni ed aigli Enti locali in generale.

In realtà, come emerso in sede di dibattito consigliare, the reasoning behind this change, would be well above many other, more serious than the President of the Union and the majority group would like to believe! The City of

Vezzano would seriously consider leaving the Union, after a careful examination of the project, two years after its creation, has put in place services more expensive and less efficient and above all, increasingly distant from the citizen, the that would be equivalent to admitting that the failure of the project Union of Municipalities.

Our group council has always expressed its opposition to the Union, created in a hurry to receive regional funding, without any planning. To date the only services that the three municipalities have transferred are those of the Staff Union and the Municipal Police. Deadlines future? Not received

... Who needs another institution, a middle way between the City and County? Probably

anyone, the 'Union of Municipalities have assumed a significance perhaps only with the abolition of the municipalities that compose it, Italy now needs to streamline administrative procedures and bureaucracy, not to burden


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