Monday, September 21, 2009

Green Tea Latte Recipe

There are things ...

There are more important things, of establishing a quota that flies an airplane ...

There are more important things, to monitor a site or a blog all day ...

There are more important things, to send e-mail to employers ... There

are more important things, dell'accendere verbal fights and not ...

There are things that require the union of all to be fought. How

able to go beyond the human?

report a video, which I advise those who are sensitive, which is difficult to watch video in full.

This is not a single story is the story of a massacre every day.

Here I ask anyone who reads this blog to spread these cruel images, sending an email or an alert for information to as many people as possible.

Leave aside the information, we leave aside the misinformation, Today we do something really useful.

We understand that not matter Cristina's breasts or the quarrels of the Crown ..

leave today from the personal inconvenience and try to change a tiny slice of this world running.

This is unbelievable, unacceptable, and we have the courage to call livestock animals.

What is behind the Chinese restaurants?

* also allows anyone to copy this article in full, provided that it is not distorted its meaning.
would be really great if everyone now works full article this, disputes can easily return tomorrow *


day I left a few messages around the web, in search of a more widespread use of these horrific images, and someone who would send like us some mail.
As one actor in a famous movie ... "What bothers me being right"

fact I tried to "touch" the humanity and the mental stability of our "Mario & Luigi Mario Mario" San Remo leaving a comment on TE

Here is the text

I leave this comment here, hope it will be published for a noble cause.
C'è bisogno dell'unione di tutti per combattare un fenomeno crudele e quotidiano.
C'è bisogno di accantonare per un giorno le liti ed i problemi personali.
Mandiamo una mail tutti insieme ai tg corrotti, non ce ne frega niente delle tette di Cristina o dei risultati calcistici, che sia fatta VERA INFORMAZIONE su VERI TEMI DA TRATTARE. Questo video mostra cosa realmente si nasconde dietro i ristoranti cinesi.

Ed ecco le brillanti risposte

Ci sono cose che capisco:
- Capisco che gli adepti non si prestano;
- Capisco che gli adepti vi servono unicamente a telefonare ai carabinieri e ad andare a rompere le scatole Attivissimo to, because you do not have the balls to do nothing but make big behind a monitor (see the deal Mayor of San Remo);
- I understand that comments posted should only bring revenue in Sanremo
- I understand that you are obliged contract to make them so .. hum ... you choose the insult .. there are so many available that fit like a glove!
- I understand that comments should at least help in the constant work of brainwashing and poor for those few items that you really read

And things I do not understand - I do not understand how one can be so inhuman to stitch well tasty beats, like the professor ridiculed most of Italy;
- I do not understand how you can delete comments just reading who publish them, without touching the contents;
- I do not understand why it exists.

Next time, I too will create as it does someone else (and you have not caught!) A suitable profile for YOU to be safely released, and be able to read what I think of them as well.

I only regret that it has provided an assist to give to the followers who are the bad guys, making you do once the party of heroes.
bet to follow, in turn, there will be feedback (written by slaves and your dozen fake clones) against me and the debunkers in general .. to follow your (not chemistry, but insane) .. wake.
We'll see if NostraDarkus saw us well.


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