Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Type Of Hair Does Lala Wear

The alien (updated)

Mexico, "Found baby alien
The announcement of the country's TV

A puppy live alien was found by a farmer in 2007. The strange being - told Mexican television - with the skeleton lizard with a large head and was in a ditch and the man, Mara Lopez, tried to drown him by holding it under water for hours. After two years of testing, the scientists said they had never seen anything like it. Meanwhile, Lopez was killed in a mysterious fire in his car.

After two years of DNA tests and MRIs on the strange being, the Mexican scientists to whom the farmer had said they handed over the little body of facing something new: a lizard skeleton, teeth without roots the ability to stay underwater for hours. The alien also has some similarities with humans. It also has a huge brain, with la parte posteriore particolarmente sviluppata, segno di una grande intelligenza. Ma, nel complesso, il baby extraterrestre ha lasciato esterrefatti gli studiosi. Quanto all'uomo che lo aveva trovato, Marao Lopez, è morto in un incendio in un'auto parcheggiata a lato di una strada. Le fiamme, tuttavia, secondo Joshua P. Warren, esperto americano di Ufo, avevano una temperatura superiore a quella di un fuoco normale. Nella zona si è diffusa la voce che ad uccidere l'agricoltore siano stati i genitori della strana creatura per vendetta.
Nella zona in cui è stato trovato l'esserino, inoltre, vi sono frequenti avvistamenti di Ufo e notizie di cerchi nel grano. La storia è stata divulgata dall'esperto ufologo messicano, il 56enne Jaime Maussan, who is ready to bet on his veracity. Some farmers have told him that there was another creature, however, managed to escape when they are avvicinati.Della story was also interested in the German newspaper "Bild", on whose column has sparked a great debate between supporters the theory that this is an alien and the skeptics who think instead of a hoax.

I must confess that this time the corner was great, maybe I am made to take the "hope" that something real is finally announced.
I thank those who reported the various links of denial and they carry a particularly .


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