Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cardboard Rabbit House



CONCLUDING DOCUMENT Rome 22 aprile 2010

La Direzione Nazionale del Popolo della Libertà sottolinea la vittoria del Centrodestra nelle recenti elezioni regionali e amministrative, con un risultato storico: oggi 40 milioni di italiani sono governati a livello regionale dal Centrodestra, contro i 18 milioni amministrati dal centrosinistra.

Il Centrodestra si è confermato maggioranza nel Paese in modo inequivocabile e il Popolo della Libertà si è riaffermato come la prima grande forza politica nazionale: questo è vero al Nord dove il Popolo della Libertà ha agito in alleanza ma anche in competizione positiva con la Lega; ed è vero nel Centro-sud, dove ha dimostrato di possedere un forte radicamento territoriale.

This makes some paradoxical aspects of internal controversy that developed in these days, tensions within the major political forces may occur, but it is incomprehensible that are caused in the aftermath of a great victory, after two years of success in all election and after two years of great achievements of the government's constant support in the country certified by the only case in Europe, during a period of severe economic crisis in confidence against the trend with respect to that affected all other governments.

The confrontation that took place during the work of the Directorate has revealed how certain public polemics were a pretext and in any case not proportional to a responsible and constructive debate.

Over the next three years, the government, the majority and the People of Freedom will complete the implementation of the program that is leading

1. to reduce and rationalize public spending,

2. to implement a tax reform with the goal of reducing taxes, consistent with budgetary constraints,

3. to support families, work, businesses,

4. to continue the reform and digitalization of public administration,

5. to implement a plan for the South,

6. to modernize and strengthen the system of major infrastructure,

7. to achieve a comprehensive reform of the judiciary,

8. to carry out institutional reforms, including the amendment of parliamentary rules,

9. to continue the fight against organized crime that has already produced results ever achieved in the history of the Republic.

We believe that a strong and authoritative leadership, such as that provided by Mr Berlusconi, will ensure the achievement of these goals. The strong leadership has become a characteristic feature of modern political systems and the Italians certainly do not yearn for the leadership weak and unstable governments of the past. After all the election results are a confirmation and stability will also strengthen the international prestige of Italy.

Strong leadership does not mean giving up the free and democratic debate that is indeed required by statute and is to be witnessed by the many political and cultural initiatives, the degree of freedom that characterizes the internal debate in offices and meeting delegates parliamentary groups, the existence of both foundations, magazines, think tanks and processing. All policy choices, even those that involved the candidates for regional elections and the alliance with other political groupings were made by the Bureau through a debate thirty-seven components of its open and free.

In a large democratic party should be able to discuss everything, but on two conditions: that does not contradict the electoral program voted by the voters and that, once a decision in the organs and gentlemen, all to adjust to the outcome of the vote .

The People of Freedom can not be contrary to the principles of democracy that the voters who strongly wanted and which requires that the covenant with the people at the time the vote is binding on the program. Compared to that covenant is not possible exceptions: as has also been reaffirmed at Piazza San Giovanni on 20 March by the People of Freedom.

As exceptions are not possible with respect to our Values \u200b\u200bCharter, which is the same great family of the European People's Party and which sets out our fundamental values: human dignity, freedom and responsibility, equality, justice, legality, solidarity and subsidiarity.

The issues that fall outside the electoral program of government and may instead be the subject of debate and discussion within the statutory bodies. There is nothing negative, assuming that different views emerge. Provided it is clear that the principle of democracy of the debate is not exempt from liability to take final decisions. And once these decisions have been taken unanimously or by majority, they acquire a binding character for anyone in the PDL, and that he shared, whether it is expressed in dissent.

In this sense a mandate to the National Executive Chairman and Co-ordinators to take any useful initiative to ensure the implementation of the program and decisions taken by the statutory bodies, establishing compliance with the decisions voted democratically.

When the Italians who love freedom, who want to remain free, which does not identify with the left is united under one symbol and a single flag, they chose that symbol on that flag and that there was written "People of Freedom" and not "Freedom Party".

The reference to "people" should be a constant principle of the policy of the People of Liberty that has increasingly hinged on the ground and take root in the history of Italy. We are not an old party. We will not divide but unite. We serve the Italian people and its common good. The ambitions of the individual can not prevail on the objective of serving the Italian people.

Likewise the "current" or "components" deny the nature of the People of Freedom by contradicting its program concluded with the voters and who has been designated by the electors themselves to achieve it through the Government of the Republic.

The National People's Freedom then approves the policy conclusions of President Silvio Berlusconi and confirms its full support and its deep gratitude.


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