Monday, April 19, 2010

Good Titles For 21st Bday Facebook



signed the document below which also appears in my name at number 8

April 17, 2010 article in Il Giornale

article we Carlino's April 17 2010
April 2010

The Liberals in the Popular PDL note with satisfaction the positive results obtained from center-right People of Freedom and the entire 2010 regional elections.

Defeating the tremendous impact of the smear campaigns against scatenategli, the PDL, thanks to the decisive presence of Berlusconi, has taken very well and proved to be the first party of the country with 33.7% of the vote.

After these elections, the center-right govern and administer terror inhabited by 42 million Italians against 18 of the center. The map of regional governments has been completely reversed: for the center from 11-7 to 11-9 for the center which will have also a majority in the State-Regions Conference.

This framework post-election once again the goodness of the choice of the Popular Liberals to contribute to the formation and growth of the PDL. In this victory, once again, our specific role has been crucial in enabling significant victory in key regions.

There is no doubt that in the Piemonte culturally suicidal attempt to allow the confirmation of the UDC failed Bresso (UDC the fact he lost 66,921 votes compared to the policies of two years ago) thanks to the efforts of Friends which joined the Popular Liberals, politically and numerically decisive handful of votes that has solved the challenge in favor of Cota (including lista Scanderebech che ha ottenuto lo 0,6% dei voti, quando Cota ha vinto per lo 0,4%).

In questo contesto, come già rilevato in altre consultazioni, cresce il numero dei nostri amici eletti, nelle liste del PdL, nelle Assemblee legislative regionali, nei Consigli provinciali e comunali.

Ora si tratta di riprendere con forza e determinazione il cammino sia delle diverse e complesse riforme che il paese attende, sia della riorganizzazione democratica e del rilancio del PdL.

I Popolari Liberali intendono fermamente concorrere al radicamento sul territorio di un grande partito, democratico, interclassista, di ispirazione cristiana, alternativo alla sinistra, che esprime il consenso di più di un terzo the Italians and that is entered immediately in the political culture of the EPP.

They want to bring in the great tradition of PDL popularism Italian and European cultural and political tradition and the Christian Democrat from Sturzo to Helmut Kohl, by De Gasperi to Aznar. The renewal of this tradition will take the place of the PDL of a new synthesis between liberal market culture and community culture of solidarity.

was proper and necessary out of the diversity of the dusty old center-right to jump into the adventure of building a new political culture, popular and national balance possible between non-negotiable values \u200b\u200band social interests, between market entrepreneurship and solidarity, between defense identity, "national project" and the process of globalization, including federalism, national unity and solidarity among nations and Europe. And even on these challenges, as say some, the PDL did not seem to draw on some sensitive issues but has had even a function of cordial "civilization" policy and institutional dell'alleata League.

We, therefore, that in the PDL as well as in government, take on more and more, full citizenship the fundamental categories of social market economy, in a dialogue between thought

liberal Christian social doctrine, which was, and can still be, in a time of global crisis, a factor of extraordinary development, solidarity and growth.

E 'word for the right moment for the forces of the majority but the opposition to field the appropriate effort to rediscover and redefine "ideas reconstruction" of the policy of burning and unprecedented challenges at the time of crisis present.

We honestly that the PDL is not taking away from these challenges and also that the action of the national government seems to move in the right direction in struggling Italian company to build a new social pact, a new regional pact and a new generational pact oriented and inspired by the common good of the nation to change the political system, reform and modernize the country and thus inaugurate a new and unprecedented season of "good policy" and "good governance".

Before the election, and in very difficult times (before the pronouncements of the Italian bishops), had repeatedly said in various statements by the public that the policy, including the local one, is and remains ethically sensitive and biopolitics c 'came in, and how, with the regional elections. And the glaring evidence of this came with the extraordinary victories of Polverini and Cota's resounding defeat and Bonino and Bresso.

We were right when he warned such consent has not only clotting, and only, the important economic issues, but also on questions concerning the limits of life and death, procreation in the laboratory, the tightness of the family of a man and a woman, the fight to all the drugs and the dilemmas proposed by the overwhelming power of technoscience.

For these reasons the regional elections taking a strong political meaning and that you were going to build alliances to govern the territories require a rigorous and inflexible a strong cultural homogeneity even before politics.

The PDL and the League have had this clever and winning feeling: the UDC, unfortunately, no.

alliances with variable geometry, the opportunistic politics of the "three furnaces", the hysterical demonization of the League and the relativization of values \u200b\u200bin the selection of candidates and presidents of alliances, led to the inevitable collapse of the political line casiniana that voters have not awarded. The UDC

fact, in 13 regions where voting was obtained, for example, policies of just 1,500,133 votes two years ago, today, again in 13 regions, the UDC shall be provided with lists 1,249,426 250,707 votes and lose 16.7%.

The unlikely and pathetic to stop the project at the Northern League and break the bipolar system of European type has failed miserably.

popular non-Liberals, to this regard, consider the important confirmation of the bipolar system which of course can and should be improved, and only in this perspective view with favor the openings by some leading members of the PDL, addressed the press in recent days against the UDC.

But perhaps this is not enough. On the issue of alliances is well understood.

Ben are to adhere to and then invitations to join the PDL as the Italian section of the EPP, bringing its identity and values \u200b\u200band also having the opportunity to participate directly in the process of building democracy from below. However, the PDL can not risk it, even for a moment, instead of putting into question the idea systemic popular subject of a great reformer and a moderate majority that vocation is firmly allied with the League, a regional power and identity, modeled on the CDU / CSU.

If you leave this systemic perspective, reinventing an old movie we have seen, to fit in the old logic "coalition" (a dozen allies not homogeneous, each with its own flag), then yes that would face the inevitable and final suicide of the PDL.

If the forthcoming in 2013, for example, the PDL agreed to consider the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving employed alongside allies with its own symbol, not only disappear when the PDL in real one-party della Nazione, ma verrebbe confutata clamorosamente l’idea originaria e vincente di un grande partito popolare dei moderati e dei riformisti, unitario ed europeo e si comprometterebbe la governabilità del paese.

Verrebbe aperto così il gioco disastroso del “tana libera tutti”, perché se si assecondasse l’eventuale richiesta di alleanza dell’UDC (con simbolo autonomo), diventerebbe impossibile non assecondare anche le eventuali analoghe richieste dei diversi e numerosi soggetti già presenti oggi nel PdL.

I Popolari Liberali sono disponibili a concorrere, da subito, assieme a tutti gli amici del PdL, ad una seria, responsabile e approfondita riflessione su tali delicate questioni and participate actively in the process of revitalization of the government is planning to that of local roots and the democratic construction of the PDL.

popular non-Liberals

in PDL


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