Friday, April 24, 2009

Hardwood Floor And Boats

Report & Thoughts of Chemtrails & Masonry 19_04_2009

(> guide copied and pasted from my post on the forum <)


Siamo arrivati all'hotel e dopo breve attesa, dopo aver preso posizione, il convegno è iniziato, con il primo spazio dedicato a Rosario Marcianò . La sala non era vuota ma non vantava nemmeno un enorme affluenza di pubblico, e più o meno nella parte centrale, spiccava la figura di Paolo Attivissimo , munito di impianto di Personal Audio recording (microphone poking out of the collar and belt with equipment related to the abdomen), a laptop (with which he prepared an article on direct his blog), and some cameras. Looking around they noticed other people's views known and unknown, which ilpeyote , VIBRAVAR, acarSterminator , Essse , several members of CICAP , etc etc etc. .. Introduced the topic (with some difficulty and syntactic dialectic by the rapporteur), the explanation was conducted with the aid of a projector and video committee enemy tanker. The central part of the first space boasted Marciano the extraordinary participation of Pattera biologist, who presented his analysis on suspected artificial filament fallen to the ground in various cities of northern Italy. Pattera has however made the huge mistake of asking the audience who did not agree and argued literally "WILLING TO REVISE ITS THEORY AND BELIEFS IN CASE OF DIFFERENT IDEAS well justified," and here, as you can imagine, he raised his hand Attivissimo , referred to some charts and showed pictures of ancient and seemingly scie. We have seen a strong reaction from the audience against him, he was practically prevented from taking the word and present its case in a calm (rained insults and words from all over the room) and, according to him, even threats. Of course if you wanted to give the impression of a closed sect in the dialogue for those who were there out of curiosity and did not know the tricks, the objective has been admirably achieved. Marciano explained the situation the day before in San Remo, with a horrible chemical attack, spending a lot of time in explaining what substances are used in clandestine spraying. Lunch break, we found almost all together in a Chinese restaurant, where they sat at a table in the noisy party friends disinformatici first mentioned, and where Attivissimo view my sweatshirt (with the CIA wrote above, I was asked to join with them in conference began with a hat on his head with the same writing course offered by me politely declined) ... and in fact it was this action taken by the group, entered one by one, wearing the hat with the initials of the American service and have taken the position again, beginning with those to update the blog, some to laugh, some to take pictures. Marciano took up the discussion by showing photos and video of military actions in the clouds, passing to the radiosonde data (I would say with a bit of manic protagonist, stating that since he reported the theft of some shares in humidity, the results of the radiosonde fail to stop studying, because he started compartment method to compare the data with the pressure) The room is quite shocked (that have been heard comments from both sides) when Mark refers to HAARP and its GIGABYTE issued. You switch to satellite maps, a brilliant exposition of the military who control the weather and the case of the German news. A few minutes devoted to the video on the district's operation, with the series "the poisoner," where the researcher over and over again specifies that the aircraft flies them for him, that the video filmed and photographed in 9-10 is the same military vehicle, which obviously does not drain the black water but something else, right there in his neighborhood on his house, triggering the spray before entering the air and turned off. Time passes and relentless Marciano is invited to finish their work in order to give space to the next speaker, but the researcher Sanremo rips the last few minutes to illustrate the problem of Alzheimer's Morgellone and how it can cure or just to say his counter, advising and making the recruitment of algae a mineralogramma (indicating he did as it indicates a point at random in the audience) In the very short interval between Marco Franceschetti and I witnessed a heated dialogue between active and Marciano, who denies any possible contradiction, and asks to speak with people as Guido Guidi or military. Speaking of military, recover prior to the intervention of a colonel (I think) that taking the word, after showing identification card and specified nome e grado, elogia l'operato di Marcianò e dichiara che quando lui dice che i militari non ci dicono cosa fanno e ci sono segreti su segreti, corrisponde a pura verità, confermando anche le sue teorie sulle comunicazioni militari. Marcianò liquida attivissimo ( sempre stato ESTREMAMENTE GENTILE E GARBATO NEL MODO DI ESPORSI E CONFRONTARSI con chiunque ) e qualche suo maleducato compagno con modi anch'essi non molto aristocratici, e si sposta a bordo tavolo per parlare con il pubblico amico, dove riceve a lancio (si si proprio a lancio) (il ragazzo con giubbotto beige e cappellino arancione nel video sono io) il foglio con l'attestato per il premio perlone 2008 (che ho avuto in mano 5 minuti buoni ) In quel momento si avevano persone sedute, nell'attesa della parte sulla massoneria,o comunque dell'evolversi del convegno, e davanti a loro una bolgia, con una serie infinita di piccoli gruppi che discutevano animatamente (Marcianò faceva foto e parlava con le persone, ilpeyote si attaccava a una donna che si lamentava del traffico aereo nelle sue case milanesi e sarde, attivissimo rispondeva alle disparate domande di chi aveva dubbi sinceri,fotografi ed accompagnatori si azzuffavano verbalmente con i compagni di attivissimo ecc). Il pubblico si dev'essere spazientito non poco perchè è partito un sarcastico e pungente applauso, diretto ad entrambi gli schieramenti, che li ha convinti a farsi da parte e lasciare il campo Paolo Franceschetti. Here I have accommodated a few minutes out of the room with the peyote, which took place on a very regular exchange of views and polite, though totally opposed to ideas. The part on Freemasonry, the red rose and the attacks were related very interesting, I was not aware of the topic and I was pleasantly surprised by how much interest in me and was able to inspire others in the room (I spend even a few words of praise for Franceschetti , has finally heard a speaker talk about clever and funny in exposing the data, constantly turning the public's interest) I stayed until the end of his side, more or less for 18:30 to 18:35 and then I left the hotel and the city a little bit exhausted for all those hours of careful listening. I would say that the conference has reached a good level, time and money were well spent to have participated.

and returned from Milan, that the way it did in my mind off a series of questions ..

  • How come the people I met in the landscape, which indicate a hostile behavior against Mark were so numerous, so compact and so well-organized.
  • How come there were those who went on to say, seeing them all together to decide the position to be taken in the hall, so as to scatter in the best way (but then buff to go to lunch together at the sight of all)
  • Why people che non hanno partecipato alla colletta per il telemetro se la prendano cosi a cuore dei soldi degli altri..
  • Come mai si denota cosi tanto tempo libero e voglia di spendere soldi sempre in particolari elementi, eredità incredibili? Se si osservano precisamente determinate presenze, è inequivocabile arrivare alla conclusione che il soggetto percepisca qualche vantaggio dallo screditamento sul fenomeno scie chimiche.
  • Come mai in una pausa del convegno mi viene detto che le condizioni di formazione di una scia sono estremamente variabili, e che l'atmosfera è come il mare, con correnti fredde e calde, questo giustifica tutti i video in cui sembra vedersi l'on/off della scia ma lascia perplessi sullo spiegare come mai allora LE SCIE ARE PERMANENT, EVEN from horizon to horizon, so do not appear to follow the physical laws of iteration with hot and cold running. Two planes that I see in training, and close to each other I am told that in fact I see them this way because my position does not allow proper viewing of the aircraft, which are actually distantissimi and then observing the rules on air distance, but then. .. because the conditions for the formation of the wake are identical? since they are far away from truth in them, because it never changes the outcome of the condensation?
  • Why March for two times, one hour away on the other, (so can not be justified as a single slip of the tongue) cites these cursed GIGABYTE!?! E' un consulente informatico, quindi dovrebbe ben conoscere il significato del termine, dovrebbe essere a lui difficile incasinarsi e usarlo sbagliando..Avrà scambiato il sito haarp per un hard disk gigante????
  • Come mai un biologo, nega l'esistenza (è evidente sia dalle registrazioni che dai video che Pattera in un primo momento ne ESCLUDE COMPLETAMENTE L'ESISTENZA ,per poi correggersi insinuando che non siano a 5 o 7 mila metri) di specie di ragni migratori? Lo avrei capito da un fisico, un pilota, un chimico, un geometra... ma da un biologo no. Magari non tutte tutte, ma almeno 2-3 specie un biologo dovrebbe saperle pronunciare (Stegodyphus mimosarum, Meioneta mollis, Tapinocyba praecox e tante tante altre)
  • Come mai Pattera nega completamente le affermazioni di Attivissimo, dichiarando che sta leggendo conclusioni su analisi di molti anni fa, quando un rapporto parla chiaro sulla data di pubblicazione.
  • Come mai vengono prese A PRIORI per false foto nemmeno visionate dai relatori.
  • Come mai Marcianò spende anni e anni RACCONTANDO CHE GLI AEREI CHIMICI VOLANO TROPPO BASSI, PERCHE' QUELLI COMMERCIALI DEVONO VOLARE ALTI PER POTER RISPARMIARE ECONOMICAMENTE e poi nel bel mezzo del convegno se ne esce DICENDO CHE E' ENTRATA IN VIGORE UNA NUOVA LEGGE CHE ALZA ULTERIORMENTE LA QUOTA DI VOLO DEGLI AEREI CIVILI, cosa sospettissima perche un aereo più vola alto e più spent on thin air (listen to the recording to believe)
  • Why Marciano loses hours behind the constituents of the chemtrails (I think that so far no one has definitively found) and then the analysis shows that in collaboration with Pattera not give no sign of the presence of the elements cited by him.
  • Why talking about ways to understand that a plane flying at 2-3 thousand meters (look at details, engine sound, regardless of color, and number of engines etc etc) MARCIANO 'MAKES NO REFERENCE TO YOUR TEST NUMBER 1 : the unit on. PRODUCT HAS OTHER VIDEO, WHICH IN HIS OPINION THERE 'UNDENIABLE PROOF OF THE TANKERS flying at low altitude, has a model 4000 IN CASA, E POTREBBE ALMENO IN CONFERENZA MOSTRARLO PUBBLICAMENTE E SPIEGARNE L'USO E IL COMPITO , invece, copiando il comportamento dei suoi aerei, SORVOLA il tutto. Credo fermamente che avesse tutta l'importanza che il ricercatore sanremese gli conferisce, la prova del telemetro dovrebbe occupare giorni di spiegazione . Cosa dovrebbe pensare chi ha partecipato alla colletta, o chi semplicemente credeva veri i video e le affermazioni su tutta questa tormentata storia? Sembrerebbe facile voltare la pagina semplicemente non parlandone più....


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