Friday, May 1, 2009

Beauty Therapist Cv Sample

influence, the old way of telling.

Ieri, Giovedì 30 Aprile 2009

I media starnazzavano, in un diluvio di prime pages and ads on the radio excitedly:

* France, the government raises alert level 5. The French government has decided to raise the alert level to 5 in front of influenza A/H1N1, supporting the suggestion of the World Health Organization (WHO).

* Mexico is worsening budget: 12 deaths out of 260 cases. E 'increased to twelve deaths from a total of 260 cases of "confirmed" the budget of the outbreak of swine fever in Mexico. He stated the Health Minister, Jose Angel Cordova.

* Salt infection 236 casi accertati. Si allarga nel mondo il contagio della febbre suina. Il totale di casi umani ufficialmente notificati all'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (Oms) e confermati da analisi di laboratorio è salito a 236 contro i 148 di ieri

* Fazio: "Quarantena per chi rientra dal Messico". Il sottosegretario alla Salute, Ferruccio Fazio, "invita i cittadini che rientrano dal Messico a rimanere a casa per sette giorni a partire dalla data di rientro in Italia".

* Nicaragua dichiara stato di allerta. Il preside nte del Nicaragua Daniel Ortega ha proclamato lo stato of "health alert" throughout the country for 60 days, facing the risk of an outbreak of swine fever. In a speech on radio and television, Ortega said that the arrival of the virus in Nicaragua "is virtually inevitable."

* The horse has already bolted. Close the border between the U.S. and Mexico because of swine fever would be like "closing the stable door after the horse has bolted." He said the U.S. president, Barack Obama, during a press conference for his one hundred days in the White House, emphasizing that the virus 'already' on the American homeland.

* Alarm in Ecuador. The Ecuadorian government announced that it has declared a "state of emergency to cope with the possible arrival of the virus of swine fever in the country, where there have been two suspected cases.

* WHO: "We do not know the severity." "The big question is to know what the pandemic will be severe - said the Director General of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan -. We know that the pandemic virus is unpredictable."

Today, Friday, May 1, 2009

At 12:25 of the first news of Italy it comes to

  • Berlusconi

  • & Chrysler Fiat

  • May 1 in Abruzzo

  • collapse of the bridge on the Po

  • Murder Case Garlasco Maria Teresa Procacci

  • knives to school

  • Bonus Roma families return

  • Traffic accidents

  • attack in Holland

  • Alarm influenza A (Ex swine!) cures in Israel, Germany and other states, specifies that the spread of the virus and its power is clearly in decline, it was not considered the case to stop traveling.

  • Scontri a Berlino

  • Notizie varie zona terremotata

  • Concerto 1° Maggio

  • Esodo

  • PicNic 1° Maggio

  • Prova costume, il quadranga quest'estate sarà di moda

  • Caduta dalla passerella di una sfilata di moda un'ex partecipante del Grande Fratello brasiliano.

Direi che siamo passati dall'allarmismo totale di ieri, previsione sicura di una pandemia, velocizzazione di diffusione virus, allerta a 5 pronto ad andare a 6, e aumento di morti, a una situazione completamente diversa oggi... Sembra passato un mese di notizie, invece era solo ieri.

Tutto normale?

Edit > link davvero interessante, QUI


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