Monday, May 4, 2009

Tritton Fluid Dynamics Djvu

influence, the old way of telling. (Part 2) New

Qualche altra notizietta carina carina da sapere riguardo questa influenza suina (ops, scusate, Influenza A) che tanto fa paura al mondo in questi giorni.

Fonte, concessione & ringraziamento al blog di luka78

Ed ora veniamo alla seconda parte dell'articolo, seconda parte che la incentrerò su alcune "stranezze" che hanno preceduto questa influenza suina e che, giustamente ( secondo me e altra gente ), lasciano un pò di sospetti.

La prima parte , You will recall, I finished putting the link to Pandemic Plan drawn up by the Ministry of Health since 2003 because of bird virus - called H5N1. Not to do bad but they were already prepared for other probable influences? Feeling "down to earth" makes me think that it is not possible, but only to a plan drawn up in every way in which nell'evenienza should break out like all'aviaria influence that could sicken a large number of persone.Però ... because we live in a world full of amazing coincidences and circumstances, one thinks about it. And the important thing is to stay alive.

began to say that especially after the September 11, 2001, these allarmi sono divenuti sempre più frequenti. Non che prima certi tipi di influenza non si fossero mai verificati.Anzi, la spagnola a ridosso degli anni '20, la mucca pazza nel 1996/1997 e altri casi simili sono un esempio.Ma è da dopo quel Settembre di quasi otto anni fa, con la psicosi del terrorismo che può colpire anche con armi biologiche ( che per fortuna ancora non abbiamo visto ), con un martellante annuncio, da parte dei mass media, di attacchi di qualsiasi tipo e dopo che le industrie farmaceutiche annunciarono la realizzazione di vaccini e medicinali contro influenze e attacchi biologici di vario genere, ecc... ecco che si è giunti nel 2009 costantemente impauriti da allarmi di svariato tipo.

Quello che è certo is that:
A) mortality for various influences, fortunately, have been very few and in most cases, have affected parts of the world with poor hygiene or inadequate care in cattle
Two) pharmaceutical companies have seen an increase their income.

I would go to step two ... you remember the anthrax case, which broke a few days after the September 11 2001? A couple of deaths, or maybe not even them, but the incredible thing was that Bayer was ready with a vaccine! And go with the executive's. Too bad, though, that the anthrax did not come from Iraq - therefore no biological terrorism - but, being militarized, that is treated in a certain way that only determinati laboratori lo si poteva trattare per via delle strumentazioni in loro possesso, il contagio fu minimo e non servì nessun vaccino. Businness fallito! Il bello, poi, che il laboratorio militare che trattò l'antrace fu rintracciato nel Maryland ( U.S.A. !! ) a Fort Detrich. Il motivo della diffusione di quelle spore? Le idee sono tante, ma la certezza è che, con la psicosi, vennero adottate leggi liberticide che, molto probabilmente, in un momento di calma e riflessione mentale, non sarebbero mai state prese. I cittadini statunitensi erano già provati dallo shock degli attentati, metteteci pure l'antrace...

Con ciò non si vuole entrare in merito alla psicosi che potrebbe portare a certi comportamenti of those who govern (although it could happen ... He takes the ball ...), but the fact that Bayer, without delving deeply into the kind of anthrax that was circulating and the rate of infection was ready for the appioppare his vaccine. I repeat: it is not executive's this? About businness, here the link to an interesting article on swine flu, Mark Cedolin based on his personal blog . Note how the company Sanofi-Aventis , a press release (pdf) on 9 March this year, announced to invest 100 million euros just in Mexico for the construction of a plant for the production of vaccines against seasonal influenza and pandemic influenza. As coincidence? But if you read the article, you will notice other coincidences of this French pharmaceutical company.

The executive's could not have repeated with SARS in 2003? And now with the swine flu? Who tells me that these influences, while true, but, fortunately, not as lethal as we describe them, are created on purpose to make money? Who tells me, with an influence that becomes pandemic , does not have a free hand to laws that restrict individual freedoms? (Look at the economic crisis) who tells me that it can not be him, at a later time, the responsibility of the infection was to some nicely defined "rogue"? It then auto-create a casus belli in order to complete their plans?

Unfortunately, if you put these questions - and in case our "I" leaves us the illusion that this can never happen in a democratic and civilized world - is due to the fact that some news, living in the undergrowth of the internet, all'artificiosità also suggest these influences and not to their "authenticity." So the problem is and remains for those who, in bad faith, it does ambiguamente.Un list of ambiguous behavior? Thanks to the publisher Effedieffe , which gives us much information silenced by traditional media, here is a brief account of the most sensational news:

Article of 29/03/2006: "Necromancy military (military and unearth the dead of the English - according to the official - to learn better how to prevent new pandemics such as avian influenza and is now confined to certain birds. "

Rule of 23 / 10/2008: " What did the generals in the laboratory of pandemics? " (October 18 last year, around Saranak Lake, New York, landed a Boeing 757 carrying the U.S. and Staffs their peers of France, Germany. Why were there because that neighborhood is located in the Trudeau Institute, a laboratory bio-chemical very reserved, in which microorganisms are cultivated type 'pandemic' order (the one declared) to develop a vaccine against the most lethal species of influenza.Gli Trudeau scientists do this research together with researchers from the U.S. Navy, so everything is covered by military secret. And coincidentally, continuing with the article, see that the former president - then still in office - Bush, issued a decree, called the Consolidated Security, DisasterAssistance & Continuing Appropriation Act 2009 (HR 2638), with which you allocate a , 6 million additional financing for the joint program between the Trudeau Institute and the Navy to develop a vaccine against pandemic flu .. Say no more, read the article. )

Article of 09/03/2009: " not the 'accidental contamination' of a vaccine with the bird flu virus " (In short, very short, some newspapers in the Czech Republic suspect that contamination of the vaccine Baxter has been an attempt to cause a pandemic)

Article of 03/04/2009: " mass burial, confirmed plans " (Again, in short, just because ... the subtitle : The Government as the readiness of the cemeteries in relation to an explosion of avian influenza.

Article of 27/04/2009: " pandemic, there was a tutorial "What do you think? One may become suspicious of all these behaviors? Some doubt that this virus, but also the previous ones (avian influenza and SARS), are artificial? There are many concerns around the network, it would be good to inform himself without injury . Among the various articles of note, we point out the following:

Article taken from the site" ComeDonChisciotte ":" Here we go again , FLU STRIKES AGAIN "

article by Valerio Evangelisti site" Carmilla on line: " PARANOIA IN MEXICO. A HISTORY OF PIGS AND BUFFALO "

Various articles from the blog of Conrad Feather," Marcia Science and Global Lie "

... and with the help of Mary He puts a series of extremely interesting links:

"Artificially Created Virus Laboratory Can Escape"

Intanto,sabato 2 Maggio 2009, la suina è sbarcata anche in Italia. Ma per fortuna, da come si sente e legge, il pericolo è scampato.Vedremo l'evolversi di questa influenza, le cui notizie, ultimamente, hanno uno strano "sali e scendi". Prima è pericolosa, infatti l'O.M.S. ha elevato a 5 il livello di pericolosità ( il livello successivo, il 6, indica la pandemia! ), poi è in fase di rallentamento, poi se ne esce Obama e dice che farà di tutto per salvare gli U.S.A. da questa influenza.


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