Sunday, May 17, 2009

Darmowy Hosting Stron Bez Reklam

But why remove me from your mouth?

The story takes on aspects of comedy. In
endless controversy between those who want to unmask the fake guru Straker and relapsed researcher Sanremo are perpetually new. On the blog
tankerenemy Orsovolante is pointing out (to those who can, between censorship and slander) that the video filmed by VIBRAVAR shows an airplane RECOGNIZED and distant movie, even if the distance is greater than 5 thousand .. (Commander since you're good with the units guess I mean, clue, not gigabytes) the tanker is hard to fit it all in the frame.

Instead of admitting the mistake, as it does without a doubt the most people in good faith, or at least anyone who moved from a low logic, saying that the guru is hiding VIBRAVAR has a three times optical zoom camera above its

(from here )

arousing, rightly in my view, the hilarity of OrsoVolante, which contains a comment that he left himself Straker

(from here )

Blinded by such evidence, instead of understanding that the commentary is his and which are transcribed the quality of his camera, but also words derived from the thought, and then nothing really I center in his style, never change, our guru indulges in word unclean

(from here )

.. followed closely by his inseparable companion of snacks, the brother-wc zret

(from here )

Carry, just because I expose at least all the original comment of the master, dated October 15, 2008, when I still did not recognize him, and I enjoyed the money for the Italian people to feed the unconscious his valuable knowledge, entering the butchers and bakeries in ordering people to look down and never fixing the sky, waiting to reveal itself to his Milan eyes

(from here )

Sanremo Oh brothers, because people who pull in the middle of the third standard is not doing everything to bring hundreds of articles about the shoot that offers a daily basis?

I can understand it, and I do, really .. understand che alla vostra età non godere di una vita completa (fidanzata,amici, lavoro e hobby gratificanti) sia degradante e spinga il più delle volte ad essere intrattabili ed egocentrici..Però per quanto potete cercate di apparire meno bestie (senza insulto per le bestie, ovviamente) e più esseri pensanti.

Questo è solo l'ultimo (per ora) capitolo di una escalation di stupidità manifestata negli ultimi giorni, dove il sommo guru è passato dall'aggredire le persone perchè non capisce cosa scrivono (delineando la sua superiorità, il suo egocentrismo e la metodologia fascista pena la censura) allo schernire un "non avevo dubbi" quando la gente si abbassa pure a spiegargli il commento

(from here )

Or coming deliberately to recommend to follow only those items from him (and those of his clan, of course) written

(from here )
mean, Marc , are also advising a person to go around the hospitals to ask questions to doctors, so, no title or cause, maybe those are working, but what do you know, quite rightly, you ..

E, as shown by me and Orsovolante, assembles everything and insults. Who knows, maybe the poor user is guilty of the crime that you have read, followed and even commented on some blogs other than those operating the guru

(da qui )

Quindi, in data odierna, il comandante Marc si è affaticato di farci capire che VibraVito dispone di un apparecchio dallo zoom 3 volte più potente del suo, derivante sicuramente dalla retroingegneria aliena.

Peccato, mi pareva di aver letto in giro che Vito disponesse di una videocamera Panasonic di zoom ad essere generosi 70x (che sono sempre ben diversi dai 126 decantati dal comandantissimo) e ben visibile in video come questo (VibraVito è il ragazzo con la camicia azzurrina)

(da qui )

Ho provato to leave some comments to the mystical Committee, declaring my desire to be left alone when it has nothing to do, appealing to a few gigabytes of intelligence hitherto remained untapped, according to you, and now big question ... ..

E 'was published??

I leave you the link to the article by underek_ , for those who are still curious about all the details.

I wrote that the affair has taken on aspects of comedy, leaving voluntarily, views on the skill of the actors.

Thanks: SarettaLove.


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