Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kates Playground Moblile

w gli introversi

The other night we were five, around a table. We talked about extroversion and introversion.
I, a few years ago, thought to be very outgoing, and I liked it. Relationship focus, sharing, ease of speech, humor, good improvising and in less dramatic, stimulating a collective laugh. Not today. No longer. Maybe because I was the first "real" and not today. Search implies unleash their senses in the world. For goodness sake, is a wonderful activity, the researcher. Some people will say that the man never ceases to look for and that life is a continuous, surprising research. I, for my part, today, I look for a lot less and look, and research confirms, meanings, links, not new things. I know it sounds a speech of an octogenarian but listen.
Why go looking for new things, new experiences, new places, new people in your life if you lived every emotion possible?
words: experience, any experience, is made of thoughts, expectations, memories and ideas (all that is cognitive), emotions and moods (all that is emotional) body movements and attitudes in general (all that is physical) and feelings and physiological states (all that is physiology).
The full experience includes and represents, in a lively and mixed, these plans of the self. It 's a complete experience that if the memories, you can re-live it fully and it is as if I felt the same smells, voices, images, emotions then. Why
weary, therefore, to seek new experiences that you have lived if those were full?
I'm looking for, and perhaps wrong, I do not know, links, and common meanings and divergent among the things that happen to me every day - and I do not try frantically - and those who have lived in the past.
I have a more introspective attitude that makes me discover the occurrences of life, the experiences that come back in a different guise, the music notes in the past that haunt the present and, above all, makes me understand how much I have changed from before.
If there is to live a new experience, but not I live with a state of activation at the highest levels. First, I can not. I would need three times and energies, who, like me, have a family, a routine job, bills, mortgages, apartments, car tax and servicing, diapers, nursery, nursery school, post bulletins, shoes that do not fit most, ah ... you forgot the subscription Rai, the salt is over, here, people like me who live these routines, can understand.
So, first, is a question of energy. It is not practical at present, although I would like very much, any sports. I would kill myself.
Second thing is just a change in mental outlook. I want to take stock and understand cosa mi manca e cosa ho vissuto pienamente, che cosa mi serve davvero e di quali persone ho bisogno per apprendere qualcosa di cui ho bisogno e che ancora non ho.
Perchè, è vero, puoi imparare sempre, da tutti, ma ci sono cose ridondanti, già note, già vissute, già archivizzate. Dunque, un surplus esperienziale evitabilissimo. Così le persone. Se quello o quella è uguale a tua madre o a tuo fratello o al tuo vicino di casa, al tuo collega, stesso comportamento, stesso atteggiamento, stesse preferenze, stesso vestito, perchè investire su una nuova/vecchia esperienza relazionale?
Lo sai, se ti conosci, che non potrà aggiungere molto dentro di te.
Ci sono persone che costantemente cercano, ricercano, annusano, corrono e scoprono cose che già conoscono e non sono mai soddisfatte. Forse per una mancanza di base o perchè non hanno mai vissuto pienamente un'esperienza, come dicevo, inglobante i quattro piani di prima. E' come se mancasse loro un tassello, che può essere il pensiero o l'emozione, oppure la sensazione viva o il versante corporeo nel viversi l'esperienza. E cercano, cercano ma non trovano.
Cercano cose e persone. Sempre. E giustificano la cosa dicendo che hanno sempre d'apprendere, che vogliono vivere la vita pienamente, che la solitudine uccide, che è giusto vivere l'attimo.
Si attorniano di persone che, poi, hanno spesso lo same face and the same postures, repeated experiences that appear to be different but in the end are never satisfactory.
And they continue to search for. I
today are more introspective and introverted does not mean necessarily grumpy. Sure, I admit to be more intolerant than in the past and sometimes the trunk of the net that I do not like but I believe everything is part of this attitude that fancy intro.
The introverted, and I discovered it by reading something new this time are less open and caciaroni yes, but also more introspective and analytical patients.
are less superficial and less tired when you propose their routine tasks and providing considerable attentional effort.
are better able to understand the linkages between the experience and think about it and when they have a friend or a serious relationship looking for more stability and a sharing of substance and form.
Unlike extroverts who are inclined to synthesize rather than analyze, losing a lot of data on the street, and, eager to forge ties always more exciting, involving as it does not get enough, despite appearances, are more oriented to the amount that quality. And then, the outgoing, get tired quickly, are less attentive, more distracted and make less when engaged in activity which need to reflect and change, rather than create something. Of course, the extrovert is more fun and companionship and warm evenings ... but it's nice mica extroverted and introverted is ugly!

So we were talking in five of introversion and extroversion. And I knew, before filing a psychological test sull'introversione and extroversion of fifty questions, which would result to more introverted extrovert.
not happened. +4 Are at the level of extroversion.
So, again, the path of introversion has not been fully accomplished. Maybe I never will be withdrawn introvert. About
knows. And it's not that I mind too much. ;-)


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