Friday, January 7, 2011

Chelsea Charms Blogpost

i paladini del cambiamento

not change is most often a necessity. By the unexpected preserves, strengthens the control over ourselves, in situations in which we are involved and where we are often imprisoned. A guy, a bit 'crazy-is news coming out these days-he preferred to return to prison because bored out and there was no one to show him affection.

Sometimes we "free" we are loyal to our prisons, we are loyal those iron bars to turn them into shining gold. We do everything to beautify, we apply some precious stone, two or three tapes luminescent smile and showing the new caps that have cost us a damn thing, always from behind, however, the world is outside. Always
bars remain, we are always behind bars, more and ceramic prosthesis is: if others notice this, you can swear. Many
us laugh and think "What a moron. E 'in jail and laughs. "
Others will try to make us understand that it is useless to make nice nice what is not. A prison is a prison and we slam in the face, with little kindnesses, reality. What we are misanthropes, losers of a higher category. Other
lead us flowers and satin pillows to beautify our prison and take tea with us, then vanish without much salaams.
Still others will give us the small, timid suggestions, we affectionately call it by name, we say that it is better not to fool ourselves that the world most of the time sucks but often needs us and that something good is left.
are those people who "hate" from my heart because we know more about how we know ourselves, know how and when take and are there waiting and sting without being too bad, there, in our nerve. They are the workaholic aid. They are our supporters, who hope that at last we emerge from the cage.
They invite us to dinner, despite our denials, show us the brochure of the cruise in the autumn, we who suffer from seasickness, invite us for a drink, we who are teetotalers, worse, that we hate the wine because it is the seat of truth and toast means to seal a deal emotionally.
E'quella type of people you would like to be hurt badly to finally send her to that country and remove them permanently away. But do not. Indeed, fill us with caresses and emotional care for us.
No, can not be true. The more we say "no", the more they say "yes." More forced smile, the more they give us their best smiles.
In the long run the iron melts in the long run, keeps on hitting, the grating of the cell can be removed. And they are here to welcome us and help us discover what is beautiful around there, to make us enjoy life. We must change and we do it consciously, this time without fear of failure, without fear of being ridiculed, humiliated and punished.
Because there are those who give us a hand, those who work on our side.
The galleys of us adults, those in which we say we feel good, so to speak, are the daughters of the galleys of us children and young adolescents. They are daughters of a non-encouragement, a pat on the shoulder not given, pregnant with a kiss of love is not received, a train ticket is not purchased because they were considered incapable of looking after ourselves. This, indeed, the lack of it, creates a strong dependence on passive or seeking solitude. The fear of losing what little we have reinforced the need not to experiment and do not change, reinforces the phobia of the journey within ourselves first and then beyond our borders, in the lands of others.
But there is, fortunately, chi, prima o poi, è pronto a romperci le scatole, follemente, inspiegabilmente.
Li chiamerei i “paladini del cambiamento”, pronti a sacrificarsi per noi e per i nostri sogni, pronti a difendere i nostri spazi di manovra e a renderceli sempre più ampi solamente per il semplice gusto di liberarci.
Non è follia, è amore. Quando lo capiamo, usciamo.


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