Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thesis Statement For Abortion

Per un webamico in più

Reali e virtuali!!! Pochi ma buoni in entrambi i casi. Infatti i veri amici si contano sempre con una sola mano!!!
Per Made, anche sul web, si possono trovare amici. Pochissimi.
Se gli amici veri si contano sulle dita di una mano, tra reale e virtuale, gli amici veri sul web non dovrebbero esser più di due-tre. Statistica trivial but very close to the truth, I think.
Both the "accounts" should be clarified.
virtual friends: go to the blog whenever I see one more than you know that the number increases. But their "account-has-but-not-matter". Obviously, if you read any you might as well write a journal paper. But I have certain amount of anxiety.
friends in the flesh: those count them. But I do not expect we can count on. The few times I have had valuable support from a friend, that aid has come unexpected, refreshing and loving. A true gift because they do not "preteso".
Interessante punto di vista quello di Sandra: nel virtuale, e nel nostro caso, nel blog, l'amico diventa chi "è interessato" alle cose che dici e ti segue. Più sono gli interessati più l'investimento emotivo e di tempo nello scrivere ha un ritorno in termini di "riscontro". Tale riscontro credo assuma per ognuno di noi un colore particolare. Può essere emotivo, intellettuale, opportunistico etc...
Anche sugli amici in carne ed ossa qualche dubbio è legittimo. Posso non aspettarmi di potervi contare. Succede rare volte di essere stati aiutati senza aver chiesto nulla. Il numero di amici si riduce molto. L'amico che dona senza che tu gli chiedi alcunchè is rare. Sandra, however, does not tell us if you really believe virtual friendship. At least, I have not read.
I do not "count" ... I hope to count and when I need to count ... virtual or not virtual.
The phrase Vania gives way to a thousand interpretations and word play sheds light on one thing: the virtual "count"? In the sense of "count" as a person, as someone who has a role or function, even friendly, and we can expect a return to emotional or other species? Bella the hope that someone Vania, virtual or not, can respond to its needs. And 'friend or her friend. Vania For there is no difference between friendship via or web presence. A friend in need is seen.
Friendship virtual or real, the important thing is that there is clarity and mutual respect.
Miriam also suggests that there is no difference between real and virtual. If there is clarity and mutual respect, there is friendship. But enough clarity and respect because he / she is a friend? And what respect? Not be shocking to the other? Meet its timing, its needs? Do not invade his field? The "respect" would be worth a dozen post ... But I agree that two components "hard" are clarity of friendship and respect . not all.
Friendship is also the skin, sharing, tears, smiles. Virtual or real, the important thing is to communicate, share, be there, and every now and remember to hug, shake hands, really!
Clara goes a step further and speaks of "skin", "Tears", "I smiled." How to read a virtual relationship? How do you hear me? I know some of you are convinced that with a word you can feel the wind, heat, coldness or the smile of a person. I put myself there. A word can be more tangible than a few eyes and a caress. But what happens in our blog? I think so. Sometimes. Some, however, told me that after a series of web contacts, the imagined person was not really appropriate to its physicality of the series: warm and caressing the web, cold and unfriendly in the flesh. Critic and sour in the blog, and so sweet presence. The filter interpretation of the brain differ, sometimes to the eyes and ears.
Clara, in the end, says that the hug and handshake are very important.
The web beyond these events, it is natural, unless the virtual relationship does not become too physical after.
I will not speak more than "real" but "physical", because, and here I say clarity, the report web is as real as the physical one in terms of content, emotion, intimacy, even though they lack the appearance linked to the "tangibility" trivially understood "I touch you, I hold you, kiss you, hug you, pushes you, you dusting icing sugar coat from leaving the bar, you pass a tissue if you cry, you foot the pesto to share, not with words, my impression. "
Friendship is the good that does not discolor. E 'be there when there is a need, only the desire to do so. And 'giving, you do, and it is a pleasure. E 'unconditional commitment and support, of course, but also laughter, silly words very serious facts and reasoning o'clock in the morning kicking a can for empty streets. It 'just knowing. It is moved when this comes, unexpected.
And if the person establishing such a relationship exists and is open and fair, "true", no matter who is in front of you, by telephone or on the other side of a monitor.
In practice, a bit like love, but without all the complications of sex.
Dreaming & Running painted his idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship and puts us even kicking a can of night, the words silly, laughing. Everything è possibile con un mezzo telematico? Certo. Ma, se non erro, è implicito nelle parole di D&R un contatto anche vocale, visivo, "fisico". Ci dice che poco importa il mezzo, l'importante è che la persona sia aperta, vera e leale e parla di guardare, ascoltare o stare di fronte a un monitor. Non ci dice, però se, per considerare "amico" l'interlocutore dietro ad un monitor, sia necessario averlo sentito o visto almeno una volta.
Il discorso dell'amore lo condivido. L'amicizia è una forma di amore. Lo sottoscrivo cento volte.
Diffido del mondo virtuale e non conto gli "amici", preferisco la realtà where you can learn more about the person and whether you can trust.
Red Vermilion actually prefer the "natural" and offers a better capitalized to the "person", thus indicating that the person on the internet is not knowable as if I had faced and that the reliance on a subject "virtual "is not properly assessed.
Rouge, then approve the sentence of the post.

Meanwhile, thanks for the comments, webamici .
I think the webamico is like a friend in the flesh, you see that in front of you, if has the emotional characteristics, the capacità di leggerti e di  intervenire nella tua vita se avverte un tuo bisogno. Però, come spiegherò dopo, non è il coprotagonista di una relazione completa.

La frase con cui vi ho stimolato m'è venuta notando, su Facebook, come alcuni miei "amici" avessero centinaia di contatti chiamati "amici" ma interagissero solo con una decina di persone al massimo e come alcuni di noi blogger, qui, sulla piattaforma blogspot, fossero presenti ovunque, come "sostenitori" di questo e di quello, forse per il semplice gusto di esserci. Alcuni hanno 200-300 "sostenitori" silenti, altri pochi seguaci ma molto presenti. Still others, and I hope they do for fun and to share a hobby or a happily passion, organize the real contests in which they seek feedback.
A bit like happens in life "physics". When planning an evening at home saying that at strafogo Magner, Give yourself the friend of a friend of his also, if it holds an after dinner listening to jazz, you do not have the problem of the chairs.

The webamico is precious and can be even better than a physicist friend. M'è happened, I do not speak for phrases.
anyone, anywhere, after reading one of my needs, I was particularly close, My response to a weak signal, issued, perhaps deliberately, hoping that would be caught.
I insist on the discourse of the "champions of change " of Visitors, who decodes the signals as coming from our land not so alien to us and says, takes care of us and a change .
Yes, yes, this can happen, can happen here in the web, but it really necessary that we open, which activate other senses as well as those that we believe to be gifted.

I, yesterday, a lot yesterday, I was an amateur. Indeed, a cb, a navigator of the citizen band radio band in town to meet, virtually, only a voice, and was already so than today, your interlocutor. A little radio antenna on the balcony and a microphone.
A true friend I met there.
But, and here I know I disappoint someone, sooner or later, because friendship must be seen to be complete .
Not because the content of the report will become richer, but an absolute necessity that we, human beings, to make contact with others in a physical way.
When we met we amateurs, organizing those which is called "vertical" because with microphone in hand, at home, he was seated, while the presence, standing, often virtual friendship was broken in that or become physically and there was no need to feel through a medium of communication, however, accessible to the rest of citizenship, or the outcome of the meeting "real" results in a subsequent refusal even just to listen.
will be stupid, but if I have a revulsion, for example, for those in the piercing eyes and discover that John has a piercing in the eyelids, difficulty, although some bind me to him, I can accept it, and so on.
I mean: vedersi, toccarsi, stringersi la mano, abbracciarsi è importante, dà una completezza "fisica" all'amicizia ma ne condiziona anche le prospettive future perchè il corpo parla di noi e spesso dice cose che le nostre parole faticano a far emergere . Devi accettare anche questi messaggi che provengono dal corpo del tuo amico, della tua amica per poter chiudere il cerchio. Altrimenti ci si allontana o non si approfondisce e l'amicizia non affonda radici.

Non so dove mi sta portando questo post. Forse sto mettendo troppa carne al fuoco. Ma l'argomento, al di là della battuta del post, è immenso e spesso intraducibile, illimitabile, come lo è il sentimento dell'amicizia.

Semplificando e chiudendo (per ora):
  1. credo che l'amicizia sia un sentimento delicatissimo e fortissimo. Non credo che gli "amici" trovati su Facebook o su un blog siano veri amici. Se si è fortunati ne puoi trovare uno. Vero. Ma la relazione deve interessare piani diversi, oltre a quello telematico.
  2. io credo che di amici veri, quelli che leggono un nostro bisogno e si prendono cura di noi, anche con un bel calcio negli stinchi, quand'è il caso di darcelo, ognuno di noi ne possa avere davvero pochi. Uno, due, tre (ma è raro) al massimo. Perchè poi la Our heads can not do it, our emotions do not make it, our time there, to devote so large and complex to other people and to offer our world to a vast number of people. Physiologically, I think, we are prepared to share our story with intensity and fullness, with very few people. And some can even peep anywhere.
  3. who has friends on the web or look for other means to conquer various friends but does not want "fans" trying to feed their self-esteem in this way or, in more serious cases, to give vent to his narcissism (not healthy).
  4. believe that, because friendship is complete, it is necessary conoscere il proprio interlocutore anche vis a vis. E' una completezza che nasce da una necessità di tipo fisiologico per l'essere umano.
  5. credo che chi ha un amico e lo sente vicino spiritualmente e fisicamente, disponibile e pronto a supportarlo nel momento del bisogno sia una persona fortunata.
  6. anch'io credo che con un amico o un'amica ogni emozione debba essere vissuta pienamente. Che una risata sia una piena risata, che una carezza sia una piena carezza, che una strigliata sia una piena strigliata. Che una cazzata sia una vera cazzata, che uno scherzo sia un vero scherzo, che una riflessione seria sia una riflessione pienamente seria. 
  7. The fullness
  8. also requires physical presence. There are situations where they can get away with mail or phone call. E 'Nature is our .... be men and women ... who asks us. Experience, so the experience of living a full sense of friendship to be complete should cover all levels of the Self. The mental (I think, reflect, dream, design), emotional (I feel, I get excited, m'arrabbio, I'm happy, and so on), the physiological (I have feelings, my heart beats, sudo, I stage fright, I am relaxed, I'm tired, I am excited), the body (touch, m'avvicino, speak, see, m'allontano, relief, run, m'appoggio, resign). A share of missing one of these plans can be beautiful, enriching, interesting, but always partial, not full.


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