Saturday, January 29, 2011

Large Labia And Pregnancy


Even the rich are crying. It comes natural to think of the title of the popular Mexican soap opera 80 years after attending the Consiglio comunale di Albinea avente all’ordine del giorno il Bilancio 2011.

Il pensiero viene spontaneo non solo perché a causa della crisi i soldi sono sempre meno, ma anche perché pensiamo alla grande maggioranza dei “ricchi” cittadini di Albinea che hanno votato questa amministrazione e oggi constatano che l’unica decisione che prende il sindaco in un momento di difficoltà è tagliare i servizi sulla pelle dei cittadini e piangere perché dice non essere colpa sua ma del Governo .

E’ come se il buon padre di famiglia che si è visto ridurre lo stipendio dal datore di lavoro in difficoltà l’unica decisione che riesce a prendere is not to give food to their children and sit and cry all day, instead of going to find such a second job to compensate for loss of earnings, or better spending a little money left!

The group PDL Board of the City of Albinea expressed serious concerns on the budget that the municipal authorities of Albinea approved on 01/24/2011 (in favor of the Democratic Party and the false opposition of the Communist PRC).

Of note is the biased presentation of the mayor, who in every place possible, whether the City Council ol'assemblea public presentation or letter to parents of school children, focused presentation exclusively on strong cuts by the Berlusconi government to local authorities. There has been mention of the crisis with our economy, lower income so that even the lower revenue for the treasury, lower infrastructure costs due to the decrease in private building, and then nothing is said about the need to adopt a criterion for management of public resources more responsibly. Here are some of the government (under advice and lower costs of advertising for example) have recovered well over the costs of € 93,000 last year.

There has been talk of cuts and has not spoken to less dispersion of resources. The cut is not being able to provide an essential right, when you reduce incidental services, however, you should talk about responsible management. The municipality includes investments that are achievable only with the hope that the central government changes some of the criteria of the Stability Pact to finance operations with the sale of public assets. Works promises during the election campaign, reiterated this year in the three-year plan, difficult to find fulfillment.

citizens have been deluded with indoor pool, police station, nursing home, in 2014, when the administration will realize what is actually promised, is not that far away. And then say that was the fault of the government.

And even in small things, or in the allocation of resources that we have seen that the ability of a good administrator, are handed out rewards for those who can arrange a course to build the pond, is allocated € 120,000 (already spent many last year) for the redevelopment of the village of Broletto the sole benefit of a few, rather than investing on commercial lines and improve roads in industrial areas to promote trade and economic recovery.

remember the attempt to increase the municipal income tax from 2012, while the tariffs of the rental della struttura del Parco Lavezza penalizzano le associazioni di volontariato e favoriscono l’unico partito politico che ne fa uso. Intanto ad oggi non abbiamo ancora la certezza che il servizio estivo dell’asilo nido e della scuola materna venga mantenuto nonostante l’aumento delle rette.

In momenti di ristrettezze economiche sarebbe più saggio forse utilizzare meglio le proprie risorse. La cosa che ci preoccupa maggiormente è che a rimetterci come sempre sono i cittadini. Sfidiamo chiunque a capire dalla presentazione del sindaco cosa verrà effettivamente fatto dall’amministrazione per i cittadini di Albinea, probabilmente solo tagli e accuse.


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