Friday, January 14, 2011

How Mutch Is A Pearl Worth

Il talentuoso ed il piazzato

difficult ispiratomi from a friend whom I appreciate the intelligence, the speed in understanding the situations and opportunities, expertise and desire to innovate. A friend with a mortgage, small children and household expenses, of course, inaccurate earlier this month. I, for example, this month I spent the happy season of illness on the 300 € of specialist medical examinations and medicines not very expensive life-saving.

Back to my friend. Sadly told me that his office has been incorporated in another. He, who was the boss, now is the subordinate of a promising young without his experience, his passion, of its innovation efforts. A "marker", a kind of leech of other people's energies, however arrogant and presumptuous.
What advice? We see a little bit to make some assumptions:

1. Vai via e mandi a quel paese tutto e tutti con una bella pernacchia dicendo "non mi meritate".
Controindicazione : tua moglie, a casa, dopo essere svenuta, ti ci manda lei a quel paese.
2. Rinuncia alle tue ambizioni, sii passivo e limitati al compitino .
Controindicazione: soluzione efficacissima nel breve periodo, nel lungo periodo moriresti di stress da atrofia neuronale.
3. Sfoggia ciĆ² che sai fare e cerca di svalutare con tutti i mezzi il neocapo .
Controindicazione: soluzione facile ed economica but if the "marker" has a "salesman" strong and you'll be blown away, then sent in the basement.
4. Keep doing your work well and enhance the area of \u200b\u200b'acceptance' on, namely the ability to accept events not being crushed psychologically and operationally.
Cons: beautiful words, beautiful but self-esteem needs to be continuously fed. In the long run and especially if the context is not helping, you can live a state of dizziness. Who am I? Subisco Why? Why do not you go away? Why accept if they are not recognized?
5. Keep doing your work well and look for opportunities outside of personal and professional growth to use when appropriate. The satisfaction, then, and recognition, you'll get them elsewhere.
Cons: costly and "investment" without certainties. If I do "outside" will not return to its economic and professional "after", as I feel? The other risk, if you do your job well because they do not always any more, is to divest your emotional energy in the workplace and in the long run, you will experience a feeling of alienation and neglect in what you do. The others will notice and we will send you in the basement of the same.
6. finding a new job but continues to do well what you are doing.
Cons: conduct interviews, find, and difficult to answer is, if you're talented and your work is a niche, you risk having to move to Amsterdam quattr'e in no time. What if your wife works, if your child is kindergarten, where there are grandparents who give you a hand, if you can not afford rent and mortgage Dutch and if you do not pay much more? In addition, frantically search for a new job will easily disconnect from what you are doing. Projected even with the mind in other lands, meet in secret phone calls, prepare psychologically for the selection and sadistic recruiter pecking hundred euro to select a picture that will earn 3000 a month, all you will probably make mistakes where you are now . Do you agree?
7 . Repositioned mentally on your new role, limited to do well what it provides; avoided and should do more than that, however, rests with your boss, seizing opportunities to demonstrate, quietly, what you know do when you are dealing with interlocutors who can to pass the message "he's better than the boss"; also invest emotionally, I also say, and others, elsewhere, on a hobby, a cultural, family etc, but look for other job opportunities makes this not become an obsession. Talk with someone who loves you for your discomfort, so you do not feel left alone and abandoned a superhero with his thoughts and frustrations, and investment, not too much, on targeted training "outside" that you can give reasonably tomorrow fruit. Think, finally, even if it seems a fairy tale, which hold a position of high responsibility entails sacrifices, skills, knowledge and interpersonal skills of high quality and that the chair, if you are not able, sooner or later, Scotter. Then it will be your turn again.
Cons: in this course you will be surrounded by supporters, friends, people that feed your smile and your self-esteem. I think, however, this does not pose an insurmountable obstacle.
Strength, courage, then!
The road to leadership is clear, crystal clear, authoritative and shared, provides, in cycles, periods of underestimation and devaluation of formal bench. Only the true leader is able to react and rise again. And even if you feel alone in front of his failure led, managed to find a new stimulus, new energy, enriched by the presence of others, paving the comeback close or farther away it is.


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